Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 12- Professional Web Presence

This week in class we discussed having a professional web presence. Having a web presence means to have a site on the internet run by a user which is dedicated to a particular subject. In today's society, almost everyone has a web presence...Facebook. Facebook is a social web presence that holds personal information by the user including photos, links, likes, dislikes, videos, etc. However, if one is applying for a job and the potential employer searches for the applicants name and all that comes up is the facebook page, they will not be able to see the users professional work that they have created in a polished format. In addition the facebook page may contain negative photos or comments that may deter the employer from offering the job. Therefore, creating a high quality looking web presence dedicated to ones professional abilities and work would be very beneficial for an applicant. The employer could then adequately judge the applicant on the necessary qualification for the job and not just on ones social network. On the web presence the user can have all the work they have created, their resume, and what they are looking for in a job.

Having a professional web presence is imperative as a telecommunication major. Because most of the work that I would be creating for an employer to see would be videos, handing in just a resume in paper form would not adequately showcase my talents. By having a web presence I could be able to upload videos I have created or worked on so others could view it. Also, instead of handing employers multiple DVDs with my videos burned on them, they could just view my site and see all my work in one place. I could also edit my web page so that it make me look more favorable to a potential employer. This would set me apart from others who don't have a professional web presence.

I found a website the lists 6 reasons to have a web presence. In it, the author explains that by having a web presence allows one to keep up with growing and changing trends, keeps communication going between the business and it's costumers, expands creativity, helps increase exposure to a much larger audience, It is relatively inexpensive, and that people will always be using the internet. In todays age everyone is connected to the web all the time so it is important to know that the internet is not a trend that will die out anytime soon. This video I found also does a good job of explaining why even business that one would think would not need a web presence, such as a dentist, should have one.

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