Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 3- WebTechnology

In class this week we went over what Web 2.0 is.

Web 2.0 first began in 2004 and is a new type of interactive media on the internet. It allows users from all over the world to customize and share content with other users. It allows users to be more active in their involvement on the web by adding their own insights instead of passively reading what is given to them. This customization has led to the development of social networking sites such as; facebook, myspace, blogs, etc. It has allowed people all over the world to connect, whether it be for social, personal, or work related reasons. We also explored different applications using the Web 2.0 technology. These application are very diverse, ranging from creating your won music with others to cooking, and everything in between.

Using Web 2.0 technology would be very helpful in telecommunications! It would allow me to post my videos online and have user feedback on them . It would also help be find people in my area (and around the world) interested in the same things I am and have them help me out when I am creating films or projects. It would also help me to see what others are creating and the new ideas and technology being used. It might help inspire me to see others' work and encourage me to take risks in my own projects.

This video I found does a good job of showcasing Web 2.0. It shows many different aspects and sites that use the Web 2.0 features and explains how the content is controlled by many and not just one person. In fact YouTube, the site where the video is posted, is a Web 2.0 application that allows others to comment on the videos. So if you like the video you can either leave a comment on YouTube, or on this blog which allows comments with Web 2.0 too!

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