Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 4- Copyright Law & Plagiarism (Extra Post)

In this weeks lesson, we also learned about copyright. Copyright, designated by the symbol to the left, gives the creator of visual works control over when and where his/her art is used. These types of work includes text, videos, pictures, etc. If the work is used without the creators expressed permission, plagiarism, then a heavy fine is placed on the violator. However, copyright does not include, slogans, names, common knowledge, or any other non tangible work. Eventually copyrighted material can be used freely once it reaches public domain. Public domain takes effect 70 years after the creator of the work has passed and the copyright was not renewed. Nonetheless, some materials that are copyrighted may be used within limits for educational purposes.
With the advent of Web 2.0, a new kind of copyright has been created called Creative Commons. This allows the creator to share their work with others and allow it to be altered as long as credit to the original author is given.

How is copyright related to telecommunications? Well all material that is created by the user whether it be in the form of a video or screenplay should be copyrighted. It is easy to write a story or make a video that you think is original only to find out that someone has already copyrighted it and that if you publish it or share it with anyone you are in violation. In specifically the movie industry, there is an ever-growing issue with piracy. Piracy is a violation of copyright. With the advent of technology it is easy to burn movies and shows to a blank disk and distribute them/sell them to others. This severely hurts the motion picture industry and so they are rallying for stricter anti-piracy laws. It also not only hurts the creator of the work that has been pirated, but also those who worked on the film. Why would people pay to see a movie when they can watch it online or on a bootleg copy for free? All the hard work and money put into making a film is wasted because it does not make any profits upon its release.

This is a link that does a good job of giving teachers tips on how to prevent plagiarism and why it occurs. It goes into intentional and unintentional plagiarism and even how plagiarism in view in more collective cultures. These days it seems hard not to plagiarize someones ideas because a lot of students believe that their ideas are not as eloquent as those found on the internet and so they like to copy in hopes of getting a better grade. It is also easy to research something and them when you go to write about it use the authors words thinking that you came up with them. It is very important teach students to always cite their sources so they get into the habit of doing it.
Why Students Plagiarize

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